Kingsmills Primary School

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Kingsmills Primary School
Business Sector
63 Drumnahunshin Road, Whitecross, Armagh
BT60 2TA
Business Description

The current school was built in 1958. It consists of a main building, two mobile classrooms and several storage areas. Our school was extended in April 2013 when the building of our new multi-purpose hall was completed. Further construction work was carried out in 2018 when a new mobile was constructed for P3/4 and the R/P1/P2 mobile was refurbished. The school is a four teacher school with three classes. A Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 class, a Year 3 and Year 4 class and a Year 5, Year 6 and Year 7 class.

Listing Tags
02830 830312