Social Enterprise

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Annalong Christian Fellowship
Business Description

We are a fellowship of Christians worshiping and working together so that the Kingdom of Mourne may indeed be as the Kingdom of God.

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Ark Community Gardens
Business Name
Business Description

We are a group of Christian workers from various backgrounds who are united to serve our local community through the resources and activities of Kairos Enterprises, a Christian based Limited Company and community charity.

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028 4321 8118
Ballymageough Orange Hall
Business Description

Fraternal organization in Kilkeel.

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Cycle Recycle Newry
Business Name
Business Description

Cycle Recycle Newry is a Social Enterprise set up just over 7 years ago. Our aim is to educate people to recycle their old/unused bicycles back into the local community.

Listing Tags
07759 723623
Dundrum Development Association Ltd
Business Description

Dundrum Development Association (DDA) is a not-for-profit charity which was established to enhance the appearance of Dundrum Village and redevelop derelict sites

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FFI Center at Annalong
Business Description

Friends Forever International empowers leaders to connect, strengthen, and serve communities

Listing Tags
028 4376 7070
Good News for Everyone (GideonUK)
Business Sector
Business Description

GOOD NEWS for Everyone! serves to introduce others to the Lord Jesus Christ by the placing, presenting and/or distributing Scriptures in many different areas of life, most often Testaments, which include the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs, but also copies of the full Bible.

Listing Tags
07803 968626
Meals At Home
Business Name
Business Description

Meals On Wheels lunchtime delivery service

Listing Tags
028 3083 0943
Mission To Seafarers Warrenpoint
Business Description

Located in Warrenpoint Port. Our centre is a mere 150 metres from the quayside. We welcome seafarers.

Listing Tags
07960 967622
Newry Street Unite
Business Name
Business Description

Newry Street Unite is about providing structures and access to services for the people of the area in order that all can reach their full potential.

Listing Tags
028 2542 0299